How to Modify PHP Settings in cPanel Using the MultiPHP INI Editor Print

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If you're managing a website through cPanel and need to adjust PHP settings, the MultiPHP INI Editor provides a simple way to modify PHP configurations without editing files manually. Here's how you can do it:

Step 1: Log in to cPanel

  1. Go to your cPanel URL (usually
  2. Enter your username and password, then click Log in.

Step 2: Access the MultiPHP INI Editor

  1. In the Search Bar, type “MultiPHP INI Editor.”
  2. Click on the MultiPHP INI Editor under the Software section.

Step 3: Select Your Domain

  1. Under the Configure PHP INI basic settings tab, choose the domain or directory you want to modify.

Step 4: Adjust PHP Settings

  1. You will see a list of common PHP settings, such as:
    • memory_limit – Controls the maximum amount of memory a script can use.
    • upload_max_filesize – Sets the maximum file upload size.
    • post_max_size – Determines the max size for POST data.
    • max_execution_time – Limits the execution time of scripts.
  2. Modify the values as needed.

Step 5: Save Changes

  1. After making adjustments, click the Apply button.
  2. Your changes will be saved, and the new PHP settings will take effect immediately.

Step 6: Verify the Changes

  1. To confirm the changes, you can create a PHP info file:
    • Open your File Manager in cPanel.
    • Navigate to your website’s public_html directory.
    • Click +File and name it phpinfo.php.
    • Edit the file and add the following code:
      <?php phpinfo(); ?>
    • Save the file and visit in your browser.
    • Look for the modified settings in the output.

By following these steps, you can efficiently modify PHP settings to optimize your website’s performance and functionality.

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